Ngā Mōtika Matatapu me ngā Kōamuamu – Privacy, Rights and Complaints
Te Tūmataiti me te Matatapu – Privacy and Confidentiality
ARCS Manawatū staff respect that all clients have the right to privacy and we preserve the confidentiality of information obtained in the course of our work. Staff will maintain accurate client records for professional purposes and will take all reasonable steps to ensure the confidentiality of this information.
All clients have the right to request access to the information held on their file at ARCS Manawatū. Guardians or parents of a child under the age of 16 have the right to request access to health information on their child’s file. Any request to access the information held in our files will be given due consideration in line with the ARCS Manawatū policy and the Privacy Act 1993. A copy of the procedure for the release of information is available on request.
Confidential information shall be disclosed only with the client’s informed consent, unless there is a clear risk to their safety or the safety of others. Client co-operation and participation will be invited before disclosing information, if possible.
Clients will be informed of the limits of confidentiality that our organisation operates under.
Kōamuamu – Complaints
ARCS Manawatū is committed to providing a high standard of service to the community and a positive work environment for staff. To this end, we value feedback from those in contact with ARCS Manawatū and will take every opportunity to improve and develop our services.
A copy of our complaints procedure will be made available to anyone on request and automatically provided when a complaint is made.
Any person wanting to make a complaint can write to: ARCS Manawatū at PO Box 673, Palmerston North 4440; hand-deliver the written complaint to our office at 10 Linton Street; email the complaint to; or make an oral complaint by telephoning the organisation on (06) 356 5868 or coming in to our office.
If the complaint involves an individual worker then the complainant can also ask if that worker belongs to a professional body that has its own complaints process, and, if they do, receive information about this.